spruce^ki is an Australia-based software development company, with decades of experience in bringing value to businesses by building reliable software systems.
We relish the complexity of large-scale autonomous software systems.
We shift between macro and micro to harness the power of complexity and the elegance of simplicity.
These companies taught us about their business, and the opportunities they saw for improvement. We helped them make those improvements a reality.
MRD Telco
Known for their great customer support. We help MRD Telco help their customers by making their customer management process silky smooth.
FYI Telco
The knowledgeable telco, with decades of telco industry experience under their belt. We're providing them with the advanced communications products that their switched-on customers demand of them.
Velox Telco
Simplicity in telecommunications. We help them provide their uncomplicated levels of service to their customers through our carefully designed customer self service portal.

Projects and Products
We build things that interest and challenge us. Our combined experience covers a range of product types including high frequency trading exchanges, multiplayer gaming platforms and process management systems. Our current flagship product is a next generation telco network and billing platform which we call TBill 3.
TBill 3 Telco Platform
We're taking telecommunications to the next level. Click through for all the details.
Weld SE
These days running CDI in a standard Java SE environment is common place, but it wasn't always that way. Check out where it all began ...
Seam Cron
Simplify all of your asynchronous code execution using CDI to define and execute your background jobs
Cache Dup
One major limitation with NoSQL in general is the problem of denormalisation, leading to lots of duplicate records which need to be "manually" kept in sync by the application. We’ve been working on a wrapper around Infinispan that tracks what goes in and automatically maintains referential integrity across denormalised data.

Pete Royle
Software developer since 1996. Owner and lead developer at spruce^ki.
- Enterprise level Java
- Ruby on Rails applications.
- Active member of the open-source community
- Author of Weld SE and Seam Cron
- Contributions to the TorqueBox application server.

We are hiring!
At spruce^ki we are rolling out our new telecommunications platform, which means it’s time to look for some helping hands. If you are looking for a permanent position and you’re a good fit for any of the positions, please send us an email with your CV attached to careers AT spruce.ki